求是海洋学术论坛2022年11期——Human impact on coasts: what has gone right and wrong





三、主讲人:新南威尔士大学 王小华教授

四、报告题目:Human impact on coasts: what has gone right and wrong



Many world estuaries and coast environments are under tremendous stress in response to the increased anthropogenic forcing. A good understanding of the current state of these marine environment and lessons learnt from these human influences would be extremely valuable to restore and protect these habitats and ecosystems from further environmental degradation and even catastrophe. In this talk, I will use several studies to tell a story about how these environments respond to severe human-induced perturbations, and what has gone right and wrong from environmental and resource management point of view.



王小华教授,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学科学院终身教授,中澳海岸管理研究中心(SARCCM)创始主任。担任Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf ScienceLimnology and Oceanography: Methods期刊副主编。在中国、美国、澳大利亚和意大利等国家的知名高等学府有着三十余年的教学和科研经历,是国际近海数值模拟、沉积物动力学和海岸带综合管理领域的权威学者之一,位列Google Scholar全球排名前15名。